When I was younger I used to eat a lot of candy in my friends' birthday parties. Sometimes I got sick for eating too much sugar, but for me it was worth. Nowadays I enjoy a piece of pie or a chocolate bar as my "candy of the week". However, there's a lot of people who still eat a lot of candy or sweet food. You probably know a few of them, right? Do you know why we eat sweet food like it was our last meal?
This unhealthy habit of eating too much candy is already socially accept among us; obesity cases has also been increasing rapidly throughout the world. You probably already have watched those cake videos with a lot of chocolate and calories, and people praising it like it was an eatable food. Well, if we look to the past, the far past when our ancestors were hunter-gatherers, we can understand a bit of this situation.
This unhealthy habit of eating too much candy is already socially accept among us; obesity cases has also been increasing rapidly throughout the world. You probably already have watched those cake videos with a lot of chocolate and calories, and people praising it like it was an eatable food. Well, if we look to the past, the far past when our ancestors were hunter-gatherers, we can understand a bit of this situation.
Sorry, I'm too hyped with this game.
A long fucking time ago, about 30 thousand years, our ancestors, that lived in the savannas and forests, only had one option to sweet food: ripe fruits. Caloric and sweet food were extremely rare, and the food was also scarcely. If a hunter-gatherer came across with a tree full of fruits, the mostly reasonable thing to do was eat as much as you can immediately, before a bunch of baboons eat all. Nowadays, we can live in comfortable and safe houses with a fridge full of food, but our DNA still thinks that we live in the savannas. That's why it's so easy for us eat an ice cream pot and drink a large Coke after.
This "greedy gene" theory is widely accept.
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